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/ The Arsenal Cookbook Digital Home & Hobby Guide / The Arsenal Cookbook - Digital Home and Hobby Guide (Arsenal Computer).ISO / hobby / sndz222.zip

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
SDZCRNCH.EXE LHArc Archive 17 213KB 1992-04-30

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
&UNICORN.FIL Text File 14 210b 1992-03-16
ARSENAL.LIB Text File 28 2KB 1995-04-23
PACKING.LST File List 39 2KB 1992-03-16
SYSOP.DOC Text File 167 7KB 1992-04-30
UPGRADE.DOC Text File 15 526b 1992-03-20
VENDOR.DOC Text File 224 10KB 1991-12-13

Other Files (2)
INSTALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 45KB 1992-03-11
INSTALL.CFG Unknown 4KB 1992-03-20